Accessory Dwelling Units

What You Need to Know About Accessory Dwelling Units

“Accessory dwelling units” is the fancy name given to the extra room or apartment built beside an existing home. These can be a great addition to a home, particularly those with extensive gardens that no one takes advantage of anymore. Homeowners can turn that space into something useful.

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The Pros and Cons of Building An ADU

Building accessory dwelling units means creating a useful space around the house in an area that, most of the time, wasn’t being taken advantage of. In some cases, these units can serve as an extra source of income for the homeowner.

The problem is that some homeowners can’t just get up one day and decide to build an extra apartment on their property. There may be consequences to the decision that they are not taking into account. These consequences could come back to bite them in a big way.

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What will you receive in the meeting?

3 Key to Ask Before You Build Your ADU



  • Adding accessory dwelling units to a home can help increase the property’s value.
  • The space will typically be more valuable than a large patch of grass.
  • ADUs that are turned into apartments can generate a source of income.


  • Setting up an ADU can result in the homeowner having to refinance the property.
  • Not all neighborhoods will allow accessory dwelling units to be erected.
  • These external homes cannot be sold as individual properties.

Accessory Dwelling Units, Why with us?

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Our experienced professionals ensure that your project stays on track and on budget. You can trust us to plan and execute your project efficiently.

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You will get 24/7 access to all of the information about your project in the cloud. You can rely on us for prompt and comprehensive support.

Custom solutions

We create an individual design specifically for your home. Every project is custom made.

Mission possible

No matter the challenge, we will find the solution. Whether it already exists or needs to be innovated, we will take charge of assembling the team, designing, and procuring the materials. 


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Can The Homeowner Build an ADU?

Figuring out the answer to this question is going to be the first step in the process of building an ADU. The homeowner would check with their Homeowners Association or the city beforehand.

Even where building adjacent buildings inside a prebuilt home is legal, there will usually be rules. One of the more common restrictions around building these units is the number of floors they can have. Homeowners thinking about building a small apartment complex within their property to generate more revenue may want to reimagine their business plan.


Types of Accessory Dwelling Units

An ADU can come in different shapes and sizes and, most importantly, be on other parts of a property. Different types of ADUs will require special permits to be able to build. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to have a clear sense of the type of ADU that’s planned before looking into the building requirements.

Detached New Construction

As the name suggests, this dwelling unit is an entirely different building than the main house. It sits on the property, and because of this, it enjoys unique jurisdiction. These units can be rented out to other people, generating revenue for the property owner.

These buildings are part of the central estate legally. That means that even though they can be rented out, they can’t be sold as an individual asset. Some of these detached constructions are garages or storage facilities and apartments.